hCard Examples in the wild
This page is an informative section of the hCard specification.
The following sites have published hCards, and thus are a great place to start for anyone looking for examples "in the wild" to try parsing, indexing, organizing etc.
If people or organizations on your site are marked up with hCard (even just your own contact information), feel free to add it to the top of this list. Please be sure to include at least one URL to a page on your site that includes actual hCard markup. Examples added without a URL to a page with hCard markup may be removed.
Want to get started with writing an hCard? Use the hCard creator to write up some contact information and publish it, or follow the hCard authoring tips to add hCard markup to your current contact page.
You can use these buttons on pages with hCards. See buttons#hCard for any recent additions.
- CSS-powered button, as evidenced at microformat badges @ re-run
Examples To Act On
New Examples
Please add new examples to the top of this section so they can be reviewed!
- Stanford Online Accessibility Program has implemented hCard on every page (positioned off screen via CSS)
- Buy Our Honeymoon, a wedding gift list service, uses hCard in their Contact Us page.
- W3C webmaster Jean-Guilhem Rouel now has an hCard.
- iBegin Source - All 10.8+ million business listings have their information marked up in hCard. Example: General Atomics
- David Weekly has added an hCard to his home page for himself.
- Ficlets story page uses hCard for author bio.
- RedMonk Contact page uses hCard for RedMonk firm as well as each analysts.
- iBegin Source uses hCard to identify business information for all 10.5+ million businesses listed.
- The Louisville News Company uses hCard for site-wide contact information for the company and for the site developer.
- Cloud Islands uses hCard for our Contact Info.
- UNT International uses hCard to mark up contact information sitewide (see esp. the IELI instructor profile listing)
- giraffo.de has different hCards on every page (+ geo in "kontakt")
- ENAP, Inc. lists the HR Contact in hCard format on the Career Opportunities page.
- Conferenceer lists panelists and participants to the 2007 South by Southwest interactive conference in hCard format
- Stanford News (Redesign) hCard in the footer on every page as well as markup for every staff member on the Staff page.
- Valérie-Eve Moreau has an hCard on her wiki-homepage.
- St George's Minster, Doncaster, on Wikipedia
- AOL Journals publishes hCards for authors. Example
- Ian McKellar's home page is an hCard that's styled to look like a business card.
- Christophe Ducamp's hCard based on wiki personal page of a wiki-branch which could be dedicated to seed a french group to support microformats. Thanks to Laurent Lunati for the CSS. You can edit it. Any suggestions welcome.
- Matthew West has an hCard on his contact page.
- Paweł Wrzosek Freelance webdeveloper`s portfolio
- Thibeault Studios has an organization hCard in the footer on every page as while as individual hCards on the Contact page.
- Stanford.edu hCard markup is included in the footer of the homepage and all subsequent pages within the /home directory.
- OpenID.ne.jp First OpenID provider service in Japan(日本語). Each personal OpenID page (ex:http://eouia.openid.ne.jp) is marked up as his hCard. And there is a company hCard on every page, too.
- UK Car Garages Address of car mechanics in the UK, in hCard format.
- Columbia Automation's About Us page every employee marked up as an hCard, as well as having a company hCard with geo information.
- Pointermix Design uses the hCard format.
- eight6's contact page uses the hCard format.
- Rave About It's business listings use the hCard format.
- optics.org's team page.
- Rob Cottingham's first foray into microformats is an hCard on the contact page of his personal blog. (He was inspired by Tantek Çelik's presentation at Web Directions North 2007.)
- Steve Ivy - hcard about page, includes the usual suspects + XFN on 'url's, photo, amd geo.
- Seattle University uses hCard on it's front page and most pages that share an official template.
- Jose Marti XXII Secondary School in Warsaw includes hCard on Contact and About Author sections
- Jaama has their company details as a vCard download on their contact page.
- 3AM Productions has company details marked up as hCard all across the site and particularly for Jason and Gilbert
- JC's Development has company contact details as hCard.
- Berlin Guide is converting their address markup to hcard, e.g. KaDeWe
- XLNTads has their contact information marked up in hCard, as well as their development schedule/timeline in hCalendar
- Derrick Pallas tells people to look for him here.
- Bill Turner adds an hCard to the contact page of his freelance business' website.
- James Oppenheim's blog includes an inline author hCard in the footer of each page and also on the contact page.
- NYU Steinhardt has 240+ faculty bios marked up, e.g. [1].
- boogdesign.com has added hCard markup on the contact page.
- Great Places To Golf, hCards for golf clubs around the world, e.g. [2]
- The Travellerspoint Travel Community has added hCards to all of their member profiles (e.g. [3]). Details include name, photo, location, notes and url.
- The West Midland Bird Club in the English Midlands uses hCard on its home page, events diary, contact pages, links page, list of the world's oldest bird clubs and in a page footer which is gradually being rolled out across the whole site. updated! Page-footer's hCard now has logo, using include-pattern.
- wizardishungry/blog has the author's hCard in the footer of every page with a link to X2V.
- Walker Fine Art Gallery Most pages contain an hCard in the footer.
- B&R Data Systems is an organisation hCard. We have also used the technorati tool to download as a vCard, which I think is useful for a business.
- Chew Bittel Assoc., Inc. is an organization hCard. It's got abbr's in there, and a duplicate telephone field, and some hidden things. I'm really pushing things to the limit here. This should be a great test for your parser.
- Steve Ivy's about page has his hcard, including a link to Technorati's contacts feed to let visitors download his contact information.
- Scott Allan Wallick's hCard is his user page and on his blog, plaintxt.org
- Bob Jonkman's hCard on this 'wiki'
- Last FM has hCards hidden on their profile pages e.g. [4].
- The Ten Word Review simply contains ten word long reviews. All reviews are marked up as hReviews, and user information is marked up as hCards.
- OffshoreAgile.com, a subsite of Starsoft Development Labs, uses hCard in the Starsoft Contacts and Media Inquiries sections
- T-Mobile uses hCard for the T-Mobile UK Press Contact Details page, as well as for some of the latest press releases
- Psychology Press and Routledge's Behavioral Sciences' publishing division have implemented hCard on their contact pages on 17 of their websites (example on the contact page on their Clinical Psychology Arena)
- 72ppi, uses hCard in the footer.
- Sarven Capadisli uses hCard throughout the site (including user comments in articles).
- Urban Body Men's Clothing uses hCard for business locations and hCalendar for business hours.
- IQAir North America, uses hCard for contact information.
- The website of the Faculty of Computer Science, "A. I. Cuza" University Iaşi, Romania uses hCard for each staff member.
- The Portable Antiquities Scheme at the British Museum hCards added to footer of every page and to contacts section. Working on adding more and getting it right.
- In IdeasForNet.com - the ideas repository hCards were implemented partially in the footer of each page, and more comprehensively in the contact and about pages.
- The Centre of Canadian Studies at the University of Edinburgh use hCards for contact information in the footer of their site.
- Theatre Studies: European Theatre at the University of Edinburgh use hCards for contact information on their home page
- Caroline Mockett has an hCard on her About Me page
- Christian Heilmann has a footer address using hCard
- Audience Response System Rentals uses hcard as a popup in the site accessibility area (lower right) for easy copy and paste of address by customers.
- Fisch Internet Solutions uses an embedded hCard and a vCard download to provide customers an easy way to contact them on their Contact Us section of the website.
- Michigan Catholic Conference uses hCard for contact information in the sidebar.
- Adam Bunn provides contact details in the sidebar using hCard.
- Belkin Press Releases are using hCards for PR contacts and corporate offices.
- myBank.com uses hCard for its listings of every branch of every FDIC-insured bank in the United States.
- Left Logic uses hCard for embedded contact information.
- Inga Scholes uses hCard for contact information in the sidebar.
- Lussumo uses hCards on user profile pages in its open-source Vanilla Discussions Forum software.
- Ron Kok uses hCards to mark-up the names and URLs of commentors on his blog. He also uses hCards in combination with XFN in his blogposts to refer to friends, and has an hCard for himself on every page on his blog.
- Tagg Media uses hCard for contact information and provide link to vCard download in the contact section.
- The article about the fictitious Matrix character Thomas A Anderson in Wikipedia is now marked up with hCard.
- d.Construct 2006 Backnetwork uses hCards for conference delegates (and provides the markup so that delegates can copy and paste cards into their own sites).
- Brown University now uses hCard on the front page
- Dunks at Wide Blue Yonder Web Design has added hCard markup on his contact page and is looking to implement it on all past & future contact pages for clients.
- Southampton Rubber Stamp Company now has hCard markup with a vCard download link on every page.
- Barefoot Ceramics paint your own pottery studio (in Newport, South Wales) has added hCard markup to its "Find" page and other address instances. They hopes to implement hCalendar event lists as soon as an ics to hCalendar PHP class can be found or written.
- IBM is embracing microformats. The IBM Employee Directory now returns hCards in its query results. Also see the Shortcuts Podcast.
- David Singleton has added a hCard to his blog.
- Kriss Watt has hidden an hCard his blog footer.
- The Street Theatre (Canberra, Australia) has added hCard markup to its Contact Us page. hCalendar markup will soon be added for all of our performances.
- Henrich C. Pöhls has marked up his about page using hcard, including his PGP-Key that is stored in an abbr title, using class=key.
- Yalf Webentwicklung has contact information available as hCard (and vCard).
- Jeffrey Zeldman. Jeffrey Zeldman has marked up his about page using hcard.
- Where Are You Camping. hCards for all members and camps, employing the include pattern as well. AFAIK this is the first Burning Man related microformats implementation, not to mention addresses in Black Rock City.
- Clackmannanshire Council . hCard is implemented for all contact details across the site, and for specific individuals such as elected members (Councillors).
- Web Directions. hCard is used as contact information for the conference, while speakers are marked up with hCard.
- MarkThisDate.com. An hCard is implemented on our contact form. For our calendars hCalendars will follow as soon as possible.
- MSI Systems Integrators has its "Contact MSI" page encoded with hCards.
- Corporate website of Coolblue BV. hCards were implemented in both the footer of each page, and in the "News" section for press contact information.
- Official site of Besançon (France) uses hCard for each page concerning the small towns surrounding Besançon.
- d.Construct 2006 conference speakers list is implemented using hCards.
- Yahoo Local now supports hCards for business and places in the search results
- Learning the World has hcard information on the imprint, alas we didn't succeed to mark-up the work phone and fax numbers properly.
- The F’parade website uses hcard, though I didn't find a type to distinguish mobile and landline phone numbers.
- Use
for mobiles.
- Use
- Miranet Webdesign have added a hcard to their 'contact' page
- Ben Buchanan has added a vCard to the 'About' page on The 200ok Weblog
- Radiant Core has their contact information available in hCard.
- Mike Rumble has uploaded his hCard.
- Southern Arkansas University has its contact footer encoded as hCard
- University of Alabama at Birmingham has its contact footer encoded as hCard
- Capital University has contact footer and bloggers' names encoded as hCard. Also, all page-specific contact information is encoded as hCards (see Admissions page for an example)
- UAB School of Health Professions uses hCard in its contact footer
- Stephen Stewart has his hCard on the front page of his weblog ('You are here' section)
- Frances Berriman has a hidden vCard in the footers of her website.
- CandleScience Candle Supply added a hidden hcard sitewide.
- Direction uses hCard for contact information.
- AudioBank uses hCard to display member informations.
- @media speakers are marked up with hCard (photos depend on BASE tag support which makes this a good test case)
- Doug Ransom uses hCard for his financial advisory practice.
- ncl.rb uses hCard for contact information.
- Snow Interactive uses hCard for contact information.
- Flickr now supports hCard and XFN on profile pages. See screenshot of Flickr UI in Flock browser using Flocktails extension - March 17th 2006.
- Contact information for the Ndiyo project
- Pixel Envy uses hCard for contact information on every page
- Klaus Hartl uses hCard in the sidebar for contact information (maybe easier to parse through delivering xhtml as xml).
- Charl van Niekerk's hCard
- BillyBLOGirlardo uses hCard for contact information.
- Hicksdesign uses hCard for contact information.
- http://www.gr0w.com/articles/press/growsearch_launched_press_release/ - hCard in a press release for the press contact info
- http://www.redmonk.com/cote/archives/2006/03/testing_out_mic.html - hCard with explanation
- it's my island, personal blog, hcard on the About the Writer page. Andy Ciordia
- Window on Woking, a local community site in the UK, uses hCard in the homepage of each member organisation and local Councillor.
- ChunkySoup.net has redesigned using hAtom 0.1 and hCards on the entire site -- by Chris Casciano
- 30 Boxes,a social calendar application and digital lifestyle aggregator, automatically creates an hcard for you with your account. It is found under Settings > Syndication.
- Nearwhere.com allow you to put an hcard on an interactive map.
- Brent Ozar added a contact page hCard.
- Keri Henare has rewritten his contact page hCard. Now using
instead of<img>
for photo. (Thanks Brian Suda for updating the vCard converter) - Michael Raichelson had an hCard on his contact page before SXSW, but never thought to add it here until Tantek requested it.
- Lindsey Simon has added an hCard to his website as per Tantek's SXSW request for folks to try it
- David Gagne has an hCard in his sidebar.
- Churchzip.com/map and Skiwhere.com/map, provide churches, hotels, and ski resorts on the same maps. Locations are formatted as hCards.
- All IQ Directory Solutions Yellow Pages web portals use hCard markup on listings. For example Cambodia Yellow Pages and Malaysia Super Pages
- Ning's cloneable Group app uses fuzzy matching to map custom fields to hCard markup on its profile pages.
- Chris Messina' ClaimID hCard
- Chris Messina' hCard
- Flock About
- Agenda: W3C Technical Plenary Day, March 1 2006 has hCard and hCalendar markup. (original here).
- GrowSearch Launched (Press Release) uses an hCard to provide Press Contact Point.
- The National Arbor Day Foundation has started using hCards for their upcoming conferences.
- The Multipack has numerous hCards, especially on the members page, as well as the next meeting information.
- Justin McDowell used an hCard when referring to a person in his blog post
- Dave Cardwell has included his hCard in his Curriculum Vitae.
- Shaun Shull has written a great post on How Microformats Affect SEO, and has included his hCard as one of the examples.
- Jesse Skinner has written a simple tutorial with examples
- 2006 W3C Technical Plenary Week has marked up the venue, contacts, and program committee members all with hCard.
- AVF-Nexus have a hCard on their contact page - (by Creation")
- Andrew White posted his hCard and blogged about it.
- Oleg "2sheds" Kourapov in his blog (X2V) has turned personal profile into hCard (X2V) and his blogroll - into combination XFN/hCards (X2V)
- Approved Design Consultancy have a hCard on their contact page as well as on their people section - (by Creation")
- Ben Buchanan and Colin Morris have implemented hCards and vCards for the Griffith University online phone book. Eg. Ben's vCard and Colin's vCard
- WWF-Australia contact details page
- Pete Prodoehl used the hCard format on his Contact page and his Portfolio
- amette uses the hCard format in a module of his TikiWiki powered blog
- Oren Sreebny has an hcard on his blog main index template
- Patrick Tufts has an hCard on his homepage.
- Mathias Kolehmainen and Jamie Taylor have hCards on their weblog.
- Barnaby James has a hCard on his weblog.
- ESA Education Uses hCards for their 100+ schools and each of the individual school sites.
- Ralph Brandi has added an hCard to the sidebar of his weblog as a result of Tantek Çelik's portion of the Microformats presentation at SXSW 2006.
- Pierce College -- community college directory uses hCard on all individual directory entries.
- the Institutional Web Management Workshop 2006 have marked up all their speakers with hCard.
- http://wikitravel.org/en/Singapore/Sentosa. Wikitravel is experimenting with hcard on its travel guides. This guide uses hcard for all its business listings. More info on http://wikitravel.org/en/Wikitravel_talk:Listings.
- Musik-Erber uses to present contact information at the sidebar
- Colin D. Devroe uses hCard to display his contact information on his about page
- The ECS (Scool of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton) People Pages use vCard. Contact cjg@ecs.soton.ac.uk if there's any bugs.
- Pat Ramsey has his contact information on his blog marked up with hCard. Contact ramsey.pat@gmail.com if there are any bugs there.
- Meryl K. Evans has a hidden hCard on her homepage.
- VYRE is a CMS development company with a "contact us" hCard
- Alf Kåre Lefdal uses hCard in the markup of his contact information
- Pig N Whistle, a chain of pubs in Brisbane, Australia is using hcard to mark up all the contact pages for its outlets and head office
- Patrick Kollitsch has built his personal Profil as hCard
- Harvard Business School has hCards on their faculty pages
- openmikes.org uses hCards for open mike venue addresses in its listing detail pages.
- InterTecno, LCC publishes an hCard on the home page and contact page.
- Turner Classic Movies TCM Spanish website has published contact details as a hCard
- Rejuvenation is now using hCard for contact information.
- Matthew Ash uses the hCard in his contacts section.
- Yarmouth Guide uses hCard for each business details page.
- MerchantCircle has embedded an hCard in every one of their 15+ million US business listings.
Examples with some problems
Entries may be moved here if there's a problem with the way hCards are used on the page concerned. If the page is yours, and you want to improve it, see the hCard FAQ, or raise any queries on hCard Issues or the mailing list, where people will be happy to help you.
- Belkin Press Release - All Belkin press releases since October 2006 use hCard and vCard for company contact info.
- One of the three hCards in invalid (no "fn") Andy Mabbett 16:50, 2 Apr 2007 (PDT)
- Ray & Berndtson, a global recruitment firm, are listing all of their offices worldwide as hCards, e.g UK offices.
- All invalid: no "fn". Andy Mabbett 07:05, 31 Mar 2007 (PDT)
- The imprint of Hohenstaufen Gymnasium Kaiserslautern
- No
. Andy Mabbett 12:10, 3 Mar 2007 (PST)
- No
- Alexa Internet marked up its managers' page with hCard.
- Person's job title within "fn". Andy Mabbett
- Natural England (new UK government agency, formed 2006-10-01).
- No "fn" - which makes it invalid.
- G3:2 uses hCard with geo tags in the copyright and on the about me page
- Address data is hidden using CSS.
- ZDnet Contact Us Page supports hCard.
- by James Myers and David Long
- Images and e-mail addresses are hidden; telephone numbers do not comply with E.123
- Gerard Braad has published an example on his profile page that is almost consistent with his original vCard file. Also progress is made for transforming his FoaF file to a hCard encoded representation (also done for my spouse:Yong Yuan)
- (2005-09-27) PASSED, PASSED
- uses 'n given-name' and 'n family-name' instead of nesting the given- and family- names inside the 'n'
- has one 'tel' value with a bunch of values stuffed in
- probably more problems --RyanKing 17:19, 5 Jan 2006 (PST)
- Cori Schlegel discusses how he has updated his contact page with hCard
- INVALID - using 'prefix' instead of 'honorific-prefix' and type's in classnames (in both adr and tel) and has two photo's (the second could be 'logo') --RyanKing 15:15, 5 Jan 2006 (PST)
- The good ship Leonid Miloslavskiy spotted in the North Atlantic
- INVALID --RyanKing 00:50, 27 Oct 2005 (PDT)
- class="family" should probably be family-name
- the "n" property is missing and the "n" optimization can't be applied
- the first geo propery is empty, the second one is invalid (i.e., it doesn't contain lat/long)
- INVALID --RyanKing 00:50, 27 Oct 2005 (PDT)
- Landsbanki Føroya
- INVALID - using embedded RDF/XML invalidly
- Chris Cherry's contact page with his hCard
WARNING - uses class="cell" instead of <span class="type">cell</span>Fixed -- Chris Cherry 19:54, 15 Sep 2006 (PST)
- University of Bath Person Finder results are encoded with hCards so you can easily create a vCard from any result.
- ERROR - attempt to use Implied-N optimization where that's not possible. --RyanKing 14:29, 5 Jan 2006 (PST)
- Error appears for external users only. Won't be fixed any time soon. -- PhilWilson 00:03, 28 Jan 2006 (GMT)
- Richi Jennings has put up his attempt
- INVALID, missing "fn"--RyanKing 12:47, 5 Jan 2006 (PST)
- Yellow Pencil Using microformats to present company contact information
- First hcard has empty "fn" and no "n". "fn" should be with "org" -- ScottReynen 21:29, 19 Jun 2006 (CST)
Reviewed Examples
Reviewed New Examples which are fine can be moved here to indicate that they've been reviewed. Or take the next step and note which type of example in the wild each of these are, and then please move them to the "Grouped Examples" sectionl
- Greg Bays, the author of vCardPlus! has made his sites vCard display page hCard complaint.
- New Frontier Web Solutions uses hCard on their front page along with a link pointing to Brian Suda's X2V.
- shifting pixel photoblog has published an hCard.
- Aiden Kenny hasn't published his hCard yet, but he has published his hCard icon:
- Andy Hume uses hCards to mark-up the names and URLs of commentors on his blog, e.g. his blog post on "Using hCards in your blog".
- BidClix's Contact BidClix page has it's contact info marked up with an hCard.
- Brian Suda has managed to embed a photo in his hCard through the data URI scheme by converting the image to BASE64 code. View the Source to see how this is accomplished. The X2V link will extract the image and encode it for a vCard which will be displayed in some address book applications.
- Inspired by this I thought to try the same for SVG at Barefoot ...
- <img class="photo" style="display:none;" src="data:image/svg+xml;text,<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?><svg xmlns:svg='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' version='1.0' width='50' height='80' id='svg3957'><defs id='defs3959' /><path d='M 28.91433,...32.192802 z' style='fill:#cc4d00;fill-opacity:1;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.625;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-opacity:1' id='path9551' /></svg>" alt="Barefoot">
- Does it work?? Well it parses OK. Some automated tools replace the < with %3C (etc., e.g. Brian Suda's vCard form). Unfortunately Kontact (KDE contacts tool) doesn't handle SVG as a vCard photo or logo format - I don't know if this is a standard. It seems it could work and maybe even does somewhere. Maybe the text field needs to be Base64 encoded? ... see pbhj's slashdot journal for a bit more on this.
- Cinema Treasures uses hCard to markup venue information for 10,000+ movie theaters.
- Dan Connolly's index of events and talks has hCards for many of the people he has met at those events. In Mar 2006, he moved a bunch of hotel contact info from his PDA to this page; it's now up to 32 hCards.
- Don Crowley has published his hCard as well as a nifty hCard button:
- Douglas W. Clifton added all types of contact information
- Eventful publishes all of its venue information pages with embedded hCards.
- Iowa Military Veterans Band Contacts - 95 hCards marked up by Scott Reynen
- Jack L. Wolfgang II has converted the addresses in his resume to hCards.
- Mathieu Drouet and Annie Leger both have hCards
- Oliver Brown has published his hCard.
- Paradigm Productions published a vCard as a
(marked up by Peter Jacobson) - Patrick H. Lauke has marked up his contact info with hCard.
- Paul Schreiber has published his hCard on [http://paulschreiber.com/about/?contact his about page.
- Paul Schreiber's Sunnyvale House Concerts site publishes hCards for upcoming artists, as well as an hCard for the page itself. In addition the Past Shows page contains hCards for all past artists.
- Paul Smith has created an hCard page which is Human Readable, and a link to X2V passing the same hCard page to generate a vCard.
- Phil Windley has published his hCard.
- Piercarlo Slavazza has published an hCard.
- Rob Mientjes has published his hCard on his about page.
- Robert Bachmann has published his hCard and a button.
- Scott Reynen has published his hCard on [http://www.randomchaos.com/document.php?source=scott_reynen his profile page.
- StackFrame, LLC has published employee and general contact information as hCards.
- Steven Ametjan has published his hCard on his about page.
- Syndicate - Speaker List as a set of hCards
- TagCamp contact list
- The Brothers McDowell have hCards at their Contact page.
- Twinsparc put an hCard in the header and footer of all their pages.
- Web 2.0 Conference speakers page marked up with hCard
- Web Essentials 05 marked up all their presenters with hCard.
- The University of Guelph includes hCard info in its directory.
- The Australian Child Care Index has over 3000 entries listing child care services across Australia - and every single one is marked up with an hCard!
- CADforless, Inc. we listed our partners using hCard
- Avon - publishes all 40,000+ Avon representatives' contact info with hCard.
- Flock About page supports hCard microformat.
- by Flock
- Iowa Military Veterans Band
- Nature homepage, uses XOXO.
- Sunnyvale House Concerts supports hCard and hCalendar.
- University of Bath Person Finder supports hCard, e.g. see Mrs A Smith page.
- Monster Prague Openings supports hCard, e.g. home page, contact list to come.
Grouped Examples
This section organizes examples into several rough categories as follows. If an example fits in more than one cateogry, use the *last* matching category in this list that matches the specific hCard example(s) in the wild that you are trying to categorize.
- Individuals - one card per person, perhaps sort alphabetically by "family-name". People with their own hCards (typically) on their own site.
- Organizations - one card per organization, alphabetical by "fn". Organizations with their own hCard(s) (typically) on their own site.
- Institutions - which list more than one person, with a count estimating the # of hCards, e.g. 40k for Avon. Also indicate complexity of information supplied, eg. just name+number vs. complete details. Alphabetically sorted by "org" with perhaps a few individuals listed in a single sub-bullet, comma delimited, sorted by "family-name".
- Online Profiles - which host profiles for more than one person, with a count estimating the # of hCards, e.g. 10m+ for Flickr.com. Alphabetically sorted by "fn" with perhaps a few individuals listed in a single sub-bullet, comma delimited, sorted by "family-name".
- Online Venues - which provide listings for businesses or organizations, with a count estimating the # of venues, e.g. ~10k for Upcoming.org. Alphabetically sorted by service/site name, with perhaps a few specific venues listed in a single sub-bullet, comma delimited, sorted by "fn".
- Speakers Listings - event sites' speakers pages where the speakers are marked up with hCard. Sort by date, sub-grouped by year. Most recent first. Perhaps a few individuals listed in a single sub-bullet each event, comma delimited, sorted by "family-name".
In addition there is a separate "UTF8 Examples" section that can be used to put another link to any hCard examples in the wild which exercise various non-ASCII7 / non-english characters for various property values.
As each section itself become quite large (we might be there already, once we sort through the above "Reviewed Examples"), it will probably be moved to a separate page, leaving its heading here in place, and replacing its contents here with a link to the separate page and perhaps a stats summary.
- David Baron's home page is marked up with hCard.
- Tantek Çelik's home page includes an inline author hCard at the bottom of the page.
- Chris Wilson has an hCard for himself on his about page.
- ...
- Technorati (3)
- about, press, and contact pages are marked up with hCard and have "Add to Address Book" links that use the Technorati Contacts Feed service.
- ...
- Technorati's Staff page has hCards for its employees (~31)
- E.g. Adam Hertz, Matthew Levine, Ryan King, David Sifry, etc.
- ...
Online Profiles
- ...
Online Venues
- ...
Speakers Listings
- ...
- ...
- ...
UTF8 Examples
These examples all contain one or more characters in UTF8 that are outside the ASCII7 range and make for excellent test cases to make sure you are handling UTF8 properly throughout your hCard parsing and transforming. And especially if you are generating vCards, these test cases will help you make sure you are generating UTF8 vCards in such a way that can be recognized by UTF8 supporting vCard applications.
- Tantek's Thoughts encodes Çelik as inline UTF8.
Non-HTML examples
Related Pages
- hCard
- hCard cheatsheet - hCard properties
- hCard creator (feedback) - create your own hCard.
- hCard authoring - learn how to add hCard markup to your existing contact info.
- hCard examples - example usage of various classes within hCard.
- hCard examples in the wild - an on-going list of websites which use hCards.
- hcard-supporting-user-profiles - sites with user profiles marked up with hCard - a very common example.
- hCard FAQ - if you have any questions about hCard, check here.
- hCard implementations - websites or tools which either generate or parse hCards.
- hCard parsing - normative details of how to parse hCards.
- hCards and pages - semantic distinctions between different hCards on a page, and how to identify each
- hcard-user-interface - techniques and issues surrounding user-interfaces to author, publish, and display hCards.
- hCard profile - the XMDP profile for hCard
- hCard singular properties - an explanation of the list of singular properties in hCard.
- hCard tests - a wiki page with actual embedded hCards to try parsing.
- hCard advocacy - encourage others to use hCard
- hCard "to do" - jobs to do
The hCard specification is a work in progress. As additional aspects are discussed, understood, and written, they will be added. These thoughts, issues, and questions are kept in separate pages.
- hCard brainstorming - brainstorms and other explorations relating to hCard.
- hcard-parsing-brainstorming - brainstorming specific to parsing of hCard
- geo brainstorming
- hCard feedback - general feedback (as opposed to specific issues).
- hCard issues - specific issues with the specification.
- vCard errata - corrections to the vCard specification, which underlies hCard.
- vCard suggestions - suggested improvements to the vCard specification.