<entry-title>hCalendar Examples in the wild</entry-title>
This page is an informative section of the hCalendar specification.
The following sites have published events using hCalendar, and thus are a great place to start for anyone looking for examples "in the wild" to try parsing, indexing, organizing etc.
If events on your site are marked up with hCalendar, feel free to add it to the top of this list. Please be sure to include at least one URL of a page on your site that includes actual hCalendar markup. Examples added without the URL of a page with hCalendar markup may be removed.
Want to get started with writing an hCalendar event? Use the hCalendar creator to write up an event and publish it, or follow the hCalendar authoring tips to add hCalendar markup to your page of upcoming events or events you mention in blog posts, wikis, etc.
Don't forget that you can add one of our buttons to the page, to indicate the presence of hCalendar microformats. For example: . If you can link it back to hCalendar (or even page on your website, about your use of the microformat), so much the better!
examples to act on
new examples
Please add new examples to the top of this section.
- Wheatley Tennis Club uses hCalendar for their fixtures
- Creative Commons Wiki events page uses hCalendar via their wiki Events Template.
- Classe Export uses hCalendar for their events.
- An Event Apart uses hCalendar for each of their events during this series.
- LinkedIn uses hCalendar for each user profile page.
- The Basket Case Deli uses hCalendar for upcoming events on the main page.
- Manchester Metropedia uses hCalendar to mark the events listings in Manchester.
- Austin Homes - Open House List uses hCalendar for upcoming open houses held by real estate agents with geo information.
- The Grasshopper Inn uses hCalendar for upcoming events.
- Johan Ramon uses hCalendar on his resume.
- Harald Joergens Photography uses hCalendar for forthcoming events. See Trooping the Colour
- Ridley Park United Methodist Church's calendar uses hCalendar for events. See [1].
- Weinwanderung.net uses hCalendar with nested hCards for upcoming public "wine hiking" events.
- AmericanTorque.com uses hCalendar for their Car show and event calendar
- Fútbol Copa Sa Pobla Mallorca use hCalendar for all its football games calendar during the cup.
- Vancouver Indie Pop Band Lakefield's concert calendar is marked up with hCalendar. We hope that Google will pick it up and display those pages with Rich Event Snippets.
- Riviera Rental Guide uses hCalendar for events on the French Riviera ([2]) and hReview for customer reviews ([3]).
- Metalgigs.de uses hCalendar for the concerts and parties in combination with hcard for the locations. see [4] and [5]
- Tour Termine uses hCalendar for tourdates and concerts in combination with hreview. Example: Gossip Tour 2010
- Kfz.net use hCalendar for the details of the oldtimer calendar.
- Quefaire.be use hCalendar for its event's calendar.
- beeets is an event search engine that implements hCalendar for its events.
- Norfolk Black History Month uses hCalendar to show events taking place during the annual October celebration across Norfolk, England. Event pages include 'Add to calendar' links.
- Djerba Agenda uses hCalendar to show events taking place in Djerba island.
- Ascolteo uses hCalendar to announce upcoming events about free software.
Dingbee uses hcalendar for users' events.
- Websites for Artists by ArtStudiosOnline.com uses hCalendar to markup artist event dates.
- National Rural Knowledge Exchange uses hCal when displaying event information.
- ผลบอล.บอล.th/เมื่อวานนี้ reports football results with hCalendar.
- ball.in.th uses hCalendar for football competition events.
- Southern West Virginia Tourism has implemented hcalendar for local event listings.
- eNTiDi has implemented the last-modified footer on every page as an hCalendar event.
- The UK site Kids in Sussex uses hCalendar markup on pages with details of events for children in Sussex in Southern England.
- My blog example, in case there aren't any events on the front page. The events are automatically imported from my upcoming.org RSS feed. I use someone else's Wordpress plugin and a Yahoo! Pipe that I made to move the event information into a part of the feed that gets imported and displayed.
- Calagator, an open-source community calendar aggregator, uses hCalendar on all event listing pages.
- The Distance Learning Center - CSID, "Politehnica" University Timisoara, Romania uses hCalendar for listing students' timetables and exams
- Greenvoice has listings of environmental events, which are marked up using hCalendar.
- Teenage Cancer Trust concerts at the Royal Albert Hall uses hCalendar for the concert listing on the home page.
- Greater Mankato Events uses hCalendar for the event detail pages. Some events are reoccurring, so standardizing RRULE would be helpful.
- Debaser rock club uses hCalendar for the event calendar.
- The New England Sports Network uses hCalendar in the Red Sox, Bruins, Patriots team schedules.
- Wayne State University uses hCalendar for on the University events calendar list and individual event view.
- Permatime site for sharing points in time accross times zones. It uses hcalendar and can be used as a quick way of generating hcalendar events.
- University of Bath uses hCalendar to mark up their semester timetable
- PHP.net uses hCalendar in their Conference Announcements and Event Calendar.
- Maine.gov uses microformats in their Calendar of Events and has a nice explanation page about microformats.
- Film on Freeview uses hCalendar to mark up upcoming film listings on free-to-air UK television.
- MapQuest Local uses hCards for locations, hCalendar for events and supports the draft Geo format when lat/lng data is provided. See Microformat Support on MapQuest Local for more information.
- Cambridge Film Festival uses hCalendar to mark up the festival schedule.
- Georgetown Law Center uses hCalendar to mark up faculty scholarly that take place on campus, listing them in the Faculty Workshops, Lectures and Symposia system.
- Ecovian uses hCalendar to mark up green living & environmental event details, see San Francisco Green Events example
- SubPop Records features hCalendar events on its homepage and on individual artist pages.
- Laughing Squid Events use hCalendar only on event detail pages (not on the overall list of events), e.g. Pownce 1 Year Anniversary Party!.
- Outback Adventure Treks use hCalendar for their tours calendar also hCard for their contact details.
- Dance Federation Salsa Dancing & Jive Dancing Lessons and Events Directory for classes, lessons and events users hcalendar, hcard, geo for events and lessons.
- Christchurch City Libraries news and events calendar - many but not all events.
- Villamedia and De Journalist (both Dutch websites for journalists and media workers) use hCalendar to mark up their (shared) events list.
- At ECOresearch.net we export our event calendar as hCalendar.
- Fimendb Messetermine uses hCalendar markup to add semantic meaning to the calendar of fairs and exhibitions.
- KickStart Events uses hCalendar markup to add semantic meaning to our calendar of events for forthcoming RubyOnRails workshop and courses.
- The Amateur Entomologists' Society uses hCalendar in our calendar of events for entomologists or people with an interest in natural history.
- The San Diego Brewers Guild is using hCalendar for member brewers’ and pubs’ upcoming events.
- The Gregorian choir Gaudete from Aalst (Belgium) uses hCalendar in their calendar of upcoming performances.
- Classic Car Events - Classic car events -- shows, auctions, race meetings -- from around the world marked up with hCalendar.
- World Events Guide - Events occuring around the world marked up with hCalendar.
- Niall Kennedy's Upcoming speeches - hcalendar describing upcoming speeches occurs within the bounds of the parent hCard. Each vevent references said hCard using "include" method and attendee or organizer where appropriate. One vevent's description is a vcalendar itself, specifying multiple events (speeches) within the event and Niall's role in each, again with hCard include.
- The hcard include breaks one of the rules of the include-pattern: 'To prevent infinite loops, if a class="include" refers to itself or to an ancestor in the parse tree, then it is ignored and has no effect on the parser.'
- BicyclePaper Calendar - Cycling event calendar marked up in hCalendar format
- Evite hCalendar - userscript to add hCalendar markup to eVite invitation pages
- TripIt - uses hCalendar markup for every itinerary
- Leaguist - uses hCalendar markup sporting events
- areaguides.net - uses hCalendar markup on all of our event pages
- Keevu.com - embeds hCalendar markup on all of it's events announcements
- Example here: Latest events
- Rosebleed uses hCalendar markup on the Events calendar and individual Event pages.
- The National Asphalt Pavement Association uses hCalendar on its meeting agenda pages. It features a selective iCalendar/CSV download option. The calendar data comes from an ASP web service on their exchange server. The hCalendar, iCalendar and CSV outputs are all generated with PHP.
- The University of Oxford (UK) has a locally produced institutional newsfeed system (OXITEMS) where members of the University can create newsfeeds and add items to those newsfeeds. One of the possibilities is to use a newsfeed to represent a collection of events. This kind of newsfeed can be delivered in the Atom 1.0 notation where the content element of each entry element has some hCalendar embedded in it. It is also possible to obtain an event in iCalendar notation or to obtain all the events of the newsfeed in iCalendar notation. For this, it uses Brian Suda's X2V to produce the iCalendar from Atom 1.0.
- Wikipedia-EN - Andy Mabbett
- I have added hCalendar to the Infobox Space mission template, with dates entered using the Start date and end date templates (to counter the lack of support for the
element). Example: Apollo 11. Work on improvements is continuing, prior to roll-out. - Now used in templates for album (e.g. The Dark Side of the Moon), single (e.g. I Want to Hold Your Hand) and film (e.g. The Piano release dates.
- Every day from 1 July 2006 onwards has its news events rolled into a single hCalendar item, via the current events portal; earlier dates will be converted shortly.
- Issues: non-inclusive end date; no HH:MM:SS component as yet
- I have added hCalendar to the Infobox Space mission template, with dates entered using the Start date and end date templates (to counter the lack of support for the
- My Opera uses hCalendar to mark-up Countdowns in blog/group sidebars.
- New England Nordic Ski Association's Calendar marked up in hCalendar.
- London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine's Events section supports hCalendar.
- The schedule for BarCamp San Diego marked up in hCalendar.
- The schedule for XTech 2007 uses hCalendar.
- seemsArtless daily photoblog - embeds hCalendar markup for each photo, with GEO markup for photos with significant geographic locations ( such as with this photo )
- Information School of the University of Washington - now embeds hCalendar markup on all of it's events
- Example here: Events Calendar
- Playing Here uses hCalendar for live music shows in America, e.g.
- THSH uses iCalendar for events at Town Hall Birmingham and Symphony Hall Birmingham
- America-Nepal Friendship Society uses hCalendar for its program events
- Example here: ANFS: Programs & Projects
- www.depechemode.de - uses hCalendar for events in the party guide
- Example here: Depeche Mode Parties
- last.fm - uses hCalendar on all concert announcements.
- Example here: Rise Against at Arena, Wien
- Radio Times - now mark up all their radio and TV listings.
- The hCals on listings are good, but on pages for individual programmes, they have no date/times.
- Would benefit from using include-pattern for channel name in main listings. This would facilitate the writing of parsers to set audio or video recording software. Andy Mabbett
- Dutch Chamber Choir uses hCalendar to notify visitors of their tour schedule.
- Cloud Islands uses hCalendar to notify our customers about the conferences we'll be attending.
- The Lopez Island Historical Society and Museum uses hCalendar for events
- Leicester YHA Group's programme page uses hCalendar and hCard to mark up forthcoming events and their organisers.
- Wadhurst Independent Photography events lists forthcoming events in hCalendar format.
- XLNTads-development schedule has their project development schedule timeline marked up in hcal (as well as contacts in hCard)
- Jaama have their event details as iCal downloads on their workshops page.
- 3AM Productions has employee education (Jason, Gilbert) marked up in hCalendar
- The New England Antique Tractor & Truck Association (of all sites) has their 15 upcoming events marked up in hCalendar (as well as contacts in hCard and classifieds in hListing)
- Diarised is a quick and simple online tool to help pick the best time for a meeting, uses hCalendar for meeting information.
- etnies.com uses hCalendar on each sports home page (etniesskate.com) and the calendar of events page.
- La maison des associations de Strasbourg uses hCalendar on event pages.
- NuggetsHoops , an NBA fansite, uses hCalendar for each remaining game in the current season.
- WikEvent aims to make it as easy as possible to put events on the web with semantic markup, including hCalendar for events and hCard for venues and artists.
- The Fundy Film Society uses hCalendar for their calendar of upcoming film screenings.
- Psychology Press and Routledge's Behavioral Sciences' publishing division have implemented hCalendar on their conferences listings on 17 of their websites (example on the conference listing on their Clinical Psychology Arena)
- Jewish High Tech Community uses hCalendar on event pages.
- Gore-Tex "Know What's Inside" tour dates in hCalendar by csarven
- Finetoothcog uses hCalendar to markup when bikes are stolen.
- Urban Body Men's Clothing uses hCalendar for business hours and hCard for business locations.
- The website of the Faculty of Computer Science, "A. I. Cuza" University Iaşi, Romania, uses hCalendar to markup events.
- Colin Crosby Heritage Tours uses hCalendar to markup events.
- Newbury College UK uses a smattering of hCalendar and hCard
- 07.pagesd.info uses hCalendar and hCard to mark up events of the Ardèche département in France.
- Stephanie Booth announced the Bloggy Friday for October 2006 using hCalendar.
- The West Midland Bird Club, in the English Midlands, uses hCal (with nested hCard) on its diary of birding events.
- ComTec audience response systems' press releases use hCalendar as a method to organize by title and date.
- The Web Directions Conference (Sydney Australia) uses hCalendar for their program. It uses axis and headers for events in a table, and demonstrates how easy it is to make the whole thing downloadable using X2V.
- The Street Theatre (Canberra, Australia) now uses hCalendar for performances on its What's On page.
- Clackmannanshire Council uses hCalendar on its event diary listing pages and individual event pages.
- Calendarportal MarkThisDate.com now uses hCalendar for all calendars. On our website visitors can add calendars and download calendars to Outlook, Lotus Notes, iCal, Netvibes, 30Boxes, Google Calendar and many others. Over 600 calendars were already uploaded.
- mogue uses hCalendar at event detail pages.
- 2006 Nobel Conference uses hCalendar for the conference schedule
- Geek in the Park uses hCalendar for the event information. -- by trovster
- official site of Besançon (France) for its events
- Conference schedule for d.Construct 2006 is published using hCalendar.
- Yahoo Local now supports hCalendar
- We used hcalendar for the F’parade flyer 2006, a counter demonstration to the Love Parade in Berlin, alas the Firefox tails extension doesn't get a summary when it's an alt-text in an image.
- Harper Adams University College uses hCalendar to mark up all University events on the Homepage and Events Calendar page.
- Capital University uses hCalendar on multiple pages to provide feeds of events, relevant to page content
- The Session events uses hCalendar to mark up concerts, festivals and workshops related to Irish traditional music.
- Tendenci Calendar Events with hCalendar
- Web2.0 Conference in Dublin hCalendar event
- Meetup.com has marked up city event calendars, group event lists, and signed-in homepages with hCalendar.
- ukwindsurfing.com has marked upcoming events with hCalendar, and the events page in a table.
- ocono.com has marked up it's "Upcoming Events" list with hCalendar.
- Austin Bloggers has marked up their "Upcoming Events" box with hCalendar (announcement).
- Ning's cloneable Group app has hCalendar markup on its event calendar.
- Agenda: W3C Technical Plenary Day, March 1 2006 has hCard and hCalendar markup. (original here).
- The National Arbor Day Foundation has started using hCalendars for their upcoming conferences.
- State of Flux street art site has started adding events in hCalendar format
- The BarCamp home page lists upcoming BarCamps marked up with hCalendar and even has a "Subscribe..." link.
- 2006 W3C Technical Plenary Week has marked up the schedule and events for the week with hCalendar.
- code4lib Conference 2006 Schedule is marked up with hCalendar as announced on their blog.
- IEEE 754 Working Group - trying hCalendar for upcoming meetings.
- Elecciones 2005 Chile - the first spanish language hCalendar event found in the wild.
- Giocolando » No Creative Commons? No Party! is marked up with hCalendar
- Midgard CMS Event calendar - as blogged by Henri Bergius
- Iowa Military Veterans Band Schedule - hCalendar markup added by Scott Reynen
- Upcoming events on Jason A.R. Moody Amusements Weblog posted by Jason Moody on 15 Oct 2005. His weblog in general has hCalendar events posted inside the blog posts.
- Syndicate - Tracks & Sessions
- Web 2.0 Conference schedule page marked up with hCalendar
- C'MON is a rock band from Canada, and their tour dates have been marked up by Ray Dickman with hCalendar.
- ASDV Bonaparte is a Dutch debating society. Their events calendar has been marked up with the hCalendar conventions.
- Suw Charman has marked up her events with hCalendar.
- Eventful.com publishes all events with hCalendar and venues with hCard. Took them only 15 minutes to implement both! Their Atom feeds also contain hCalendar/hCard.
- The Laughing Squid Calendar events, e.g. this party, now supports hCalendar.
- Paul Schreiber's Sunnyvale House Concerts site publishes hCalendar event information for upcoming concerts. In addition the Past Shows page contains hCalendar events for all past concerts.
- Complex Spiral Consulting, both in the "Events" box on left side, and the separate Events page.
- Tantek's Thoughts, specifically the "Events" roll in the right-most column.
- Lesser Known Holidays, a list of holidays on suda.co.uk that can be imported via iCal and hCal so you can compare actual transformation versus intended.
- Norm Walsh's travel schedule use hCalendar as well as GRDDL.
- Policy Aware Web (PAW) Project Meeting uses hCalendar to record date-related decisions, and uses a vtodo microformat to record action items.
- The Laboratory for Dependable Distributed Systems publishes it's events with hcalendars
- The Laughing Squid 10th Anniversary Party has an hcalendar page.
- SPRACI has hcalendar versions of its nightlife/clubbing/gigs/festivals listings for many cities worldwide - eg: Events in Sydney (check the API pages in the faq section of SPRACI for more info about the area/city keywords and category tags to use to get data for your city/categories
- WWF-Australia events calendars: What's on, Volunteer
- rubyholic uses hCalendar to publish calendars for ruby groups.
- University of Bath What's On uses hCalendar on individual event pages
- The Kiez is a small cinema and has published its program marked up with hCalendar
- Walk With Me Tours provides walking tours of Seattle, WA. The selected tours on Take a Tour are marked up with hCalendar.
World Cup Kick-off
- World Cup KickOff where you can download and keep all the fixtures you are interested in so you will never miss a single game of the 2006 football World Cup!
- This link was on the Lifehackers site and made its way to the yahoo news site:
Mon May 22, 4:00 PM ET The World Cup, one of the world's most watched sporting events, is almost upon us. If you've ever tried to follow your favorite team through the Cup you know that it can sometimes be difficult to know when they're on. World Cup Kickoff can help.
World Cup KickOff is all you will ever need for knowing all the match details for the upcoming World Cup 2006. Whether you use your mobile phone, MS Outlook, Apple iCal or Mozilla Calendar, you can download and keep all the fixtures you are interested in so you will never miss a single game!
Next tip? We'll show you how to get up at 2 AM to watch your matches. ;0) Thanks to Tom for the tip!
examples with some problems
If you find a problem with any example in any other section, please move it here, and note the precise problem and cite the section of the hCalendar spec that appears to be violated. If the example that was moved here is yours, and you want to improve it, see the hCalendar FAQ, or raise any queries on hCalendar issues or the mailing list, where people will be happy to help you.
- First TransPennine Express - Liverpool 08, Capital of Culture - uses hCalendar markup for events.
- Suboptimal, not using exclusive date end. Andy Mabbett 12:25, 17 Feb 2008 (PST)
- konplan.com - uses hCalendar markup in their event container
- Examples: http://www.konplan.com/public1/_EN/index.php
- Suboptimal, has wrong values in
- Should be fixed. Can anyone check on it -- I'd like to move it back to examples above. --AndreasLappe 07:32, 23 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Better, but the new end dates are not exclusive (this is a frequently-occurring problem, requiring a rethink of the way the microformat works). Andy Mabbett 10:13, 23 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Should be fixed too. Again, I'd appreciate comments... --AndreasLappe 05:22, 25 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Do those events really run from midnight to midnight? Andy Mabbett 05:56, 25 Jan 2008 (PST)
- They don't. They are all-day events. I was working with [6] -- wrong? --AndreasLappe 06:08, 25 Jan 2008 (PST)
- That's not usual practice (I'd say it gives a false level of precision), but should perhaps be raised at hcalendar-issues for clarification. Andy Mabbett 02:47, 28 Jan 2008 (PST)
- They don't. They are all-day events. I was working with [6] -- wrong? --AndreasLappe 06:08, 25 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Do those events really run from midnight to midnight? Andy Mabbett 05:56, 25 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Should be fixed too. Again, I'd appreciate comments... --AndreasLappe 05:22, 25 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Better, but the new end dates are not exclusive (this is a frequently-occurring problem, requiring a rethink of the way the microformat works). Andy Mabbett 10:13, 23 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Should be fixed. Can anyone check on it -- I'd like to move it back to examples above. --AndreasLappe 07:32, 23 Jan 2008 (PST)
- wiki-translation.com - uses hCalendar markup for events.
- Built-in feature for TikiWiki CMS/Groupware 1.10
- Hidden, data hidden using CSS. Andy Mabbett 06:51, 15 Jan 2008 (PST)
- Should be fixed. Can anyone check on it? -- I'd like to move it back to examples above. --MarcLaporte 16:58, 4 Mar 2008 (PST)
- Is this OK? Tiki 3.1 -> http://dev.tikiwiki.org/Upcoming+events --MarcLaporte 00:48, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
- Should be fixed. Can anyone check on it? -- I'd like to move it back to examples above. --MarcLaporte 16:58, 4 Mar 2008 (PST)
- konferenciakalauz.hu uses hCalendar for events (in Hungarian).
- Suboptimal, not using exclusive date end. Andy Mabbett 13:18, 24 Sep 2007 (PDT)
- Fixed
- Suboptimal, not using exclusive date end. Andy Mabbett 13:18, 24 Sep 2007 (PDT)
- Gretchen has their show schedule marked up with hCalendar
- Example here: Upcoming Concert Dates
- Invalid:
<SPAN title="2007-04-21" class="dtstart">04.21.2007</SPAN>
Andy Mabbett 02:08, 20 Apr 2007 (PDT)
- I'd be happy if some future french Pinko-marketing meetings (CantineCamp) could require the use of hCalendar for listing some informal lunches in Paris. CantineCampParis10 is an example to include a hCalendar + hCard markup on the wiki-page. When converting to vCard, "Mendès" accent is malformed in a french outlook 2003 "address book". I've looked UTF-8 example but could not find any way to correct. Any idea ? -- xtof 01:09, 26 Mar 2007 (PDT)
- Joomla! Melbourne User Group uses hCalendar markup for listing of all events.
- No examples on cited page. Andy Mabbett 15:06, 31 Jan 2007 (PST)
- Webfeet events includes hCalendar markup in its aggregated events lists.
Possibly a case where <abbr> won't work for dtstart/dtend as there are many events listed under a single date. Webf 15:19, 15 Jan 2007 (PST)- Malformed e.g
<span class="dtstart" title="20070120"></span>
Andy Mabbett 15:41, 15 Jan 2007 (PST) - Continue the discussion under hCalendar Issues perhaps. Webf 22:25, 15 Jan 2007 (PST)
- Theatre Studies: European Theatre at the University of Edinburgh uses hCalendar to markup news and events on the index page.
Uses "display:none" on image. Andy Mabbett 15:32, 13 Nov 2006 (PST)Removed img tag from hCard
- s'Bokle is a German music pub. Their events calendar has been marked up with hCalendar.
- improper use of rrule --RyanKing 16:04, 6 Jan 2006 (PST)
dtstart/dtend are implemented on span element Tom Armitage June 23, 2006--Tim 13:34, 4 Mar 2007 (PST) Fixed now
- socalTECH is a news and information site. Their front page event listing is marked up with hCalendar.
- dtstart/dtend implemented on span element Tom Armitage June 23, 2006
- The Multipack features a vevent for the next meeting information.
- dtstart/dtend are implemented on em element Tom Armitage June 23, 2006
- dtstart/dtend are implemented on td element Tom Armitage June 23, 2006
- whilst Tails parses the "title" attribute for dtstart/dtend on any element (does Tails still do this?), that is incorrect. The title attribute only provides semantics for the <abbr>
element, while for elements in general like <span>
, only the contents of the element are used. This is a simplification and see hCard parsing for details. Technorati Microformats Search only looks for the title attribute on <abbr>
tags per the rules from hCard parsing which apply to hCalendar parsing as well.
reviewed examples
If you have reviewed a New Example (and you are not the author of the example) and believe it to be valid, go ahead and move it here.
- ...
grouped examples
social event sites
Facebook - e.g. https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=110610245684038
Plancast - e.g. http://plancast.com/p/3q33
Upcoming.org publishes all events and lists of events with hCalendar. Took them only an hour to add hCalendar support to the site.
listings of upcoming local events
- ...
archives of local event listings
Laughing Squid Calendar
- The Laughing Squid Calendar events listings supported hCalendar
conference schedules
confs 2005
- Web Essentials 05 (archive.org links to we05.com, due to domain lapse) marked up their program schedule table with hCalendar (archive.org link to we05.com, due to domain lapse), using the 'axis' and 'headers' attributes (which works in both X2V and Operator).
confs 2006
- ...
confs 2007
- BarCamp London 3 Schedule - uses hCalendar in a semantic
attributes. Provides "Subscribe" and "Download" links. - 2007 Web 2.0 Expo Berlin Schedule - uses hCalendar in a semantic
attributes. Provides "Subscribe" and "Download" links.
confs 2008
- ...
confs 2009
- Open Source Bridge 2009 schedule has all 115 sessions marked up in hCalendar.
confs 2010
- Open Source Bridge 2010 schedule has all 137 sessions marked up in hCalendar.
confs 2011
- Open Source Bridge 2011 schedule has all 140 sessions marked up in hCalendar.
confs 2012
- Open Source Bridge 2012 schedule has all 113 sessions marked up in hCalendar.
conference sessions
- O'Reilly fluent conference 2012 sessions, e.g. Federated Wiki Mashes Data in Your Browser are marked up with hCalendar.
- ... tons more - see event/conference related sections of hcard-examples-in-wild and evaluate/incorporate here accordingly.
- hCalendar - specification
- hCalendar intro - plain English introduction
- hCalendar authoring - learn how to add hCalendar markup to your existing events.
- hCalendar creator (hCalendar creator feedback) - create your own hCalendar events.
- hCalendar cheatsheet - hCalendar properties
- hCalendar examples in the wild - an on-going list of websites which use hCalendars.
- hCalendar implementations - websites or tools which either generate or parse hCalendars
- hCalendar FAQ - If you have any questions about hCalendar, check here.
- hCalendar parsing - normative details of how to parse hCalendar.
- hCalendar profile - the XMDP profile for hCalendar
- hCalendar singular properties - an explanation of the list of singular properties in hCalendar.
- hCalendar tests - a wiki page with actual embedded hCalendar events to try parsing.
- hCalendar "to do" - jobs to do
- hCalendar advocacy - encourage others to use hCalendar.
- iCalendar implementations
This specification is a work in progress. As additional aspects are discussed, understood, and written, they will be added. These thoughts, issues, and questions are kept in separate pages.
- hCalendar Brainstorming - brainstorms and other explorations relating to hCalendar
- hCalendar issues - issues with the specification
- hCard examples in the wild