<entry-title>hCard 1.0</entry-title> hCard是一種用來表現人、公司、組織及地點的簡單、開放、分佈式的格式,它在語義的HTML或XHTML使用vCard (RFC2426)以1:1實現,hCard是幾個適合嵌入HTML、XHTML、Atom、RSS跟任意的XML文件的開放標準之一。
想要開始寫一個hCard嗎? 使用hCard產生器來寫一些聯絡資料然後發佈,或是照著hCard創作技巧來新增hCard標記到你目前的聯絡頁面。
- 編輯
- Tantek Çelik (http://tantek.com/,之前在Technorati, Inc.服務,現在於Microsoft Corporation服務)
- 作者:Tantek Çelik (背景同上)
- Brian Suda (http://suda.co.uk/)
- 致謝: 見 致謝。
hCard 1.0是一個microformats.org的規格,hCard公開討論在hcard-feedback、irc.freenode.net上的#microformats irc頻道跟microformats-discuss郵件列表。
hCard 1.0.1更新正在開發並且已知的錯誤也會結合進來修正,還有值類模式。
vCard標準(RFC2426),和hCard的互相操作性已廣泛地實作(例如Apple的"Address Book"應用程式已內建於MacOSX)。
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
- fn
- n1 (family-name, given-name, additional-name, honorific-prefix, honorific-suffix)
- adr (post-office-box, extended-address, street-address, locality, region, postal-code, country-name, type, value)
- agent
- bday
- category
- class
- email (type, value)
- geo (latitude, longitude)
- key
- label
- logo
- mailer
- nickname
- note
- org (organization-name, organization-unit)
- photo
- rev
- role
- sort-string
- sound
- tel2 (type, value)
- title
- tz
- uid
- url
1. ^:假如任意的隱藏的'n'最佳化規則是有效的話,'n'屬性是可選擇的。
2. ^: tel - 作者可能會遵循E.123標準來書寫電話號碼的值,字母值(例 +1-555-格式) 必須轉換為數字,使用abbr
來顯示字母並同時提供一個數值的值,例<abbr title="+15553676287">+1-555-格式</abbr>
單一屬性 vs 多重屬性
單一屬性:'fn', 'n', 'bday', 'tz', 'geo', 'sort-string', 'uid', 'class', 'rev',對單一屬性來說,有類別的第一代元素應該開始作用,而其他的會被忽略。
人們可讀的 vs 機器可讀的
'屬性(如果存在的話) 就是這個特性的值,而不是元素的內容,取代的是一個更像樣的版本值。
- 對於把URL作為它的值的'photo'特性跟任何其它特性,
屬性提供了特性值。 - 對其它的特性來說,元素的內容就是特性值。
- 對於把URL作為它的值的'photo'特性及任何其它的特性來說,
屬性提供了特性值。 - 對其它特性來說,
- 對於把URL作為它的值的'photo'特性及任何其它的特性來說,
屬性提供了特性值。 - 對其它的特性來說,元素的內容就是特性值。
<span class="tel">
<span class="type">home</span>:
<span class="value">+1.415.555.1212</span>
home: +1.415.555.1212
- vCard的NAME、PROFILE、SOURCE、PRODID、VERSION特性定義在RFC2426的2.1.2、2.1.3、2.1.4、3.6.3、3.6.9等小節,內容發佈者不得使用這些特性在他們的hCard裡,因此,hCard用戶/剖析器Template:必須 忽略這些特性假如在hCard中有發現這些特性的話,相反地,hCard到vCard的轉換器應該使用hCard被找到的頁面title(例如,HTML文件中的
"的PROFILE值,應該使用hCard被找到的頁面URL來建構SOURCE特性(例如可能是一個參數轉換hCard到VCard的URL/服務),對一個輸出的vCard串流來說(例如一個.vcf檔),只有輸出真正的cVard的服務/應用程式應該寫PRODID特性,就上述的服務/應用程式的產品識別器來說,同樣地,只有這樣的服務/應用程式應該寫VERSION特性,由RFC2426的3.6.9節的"3.0"值 (沒有引號)。
假如"FN"及"ORG" (organization)特性有完全相同的值(通常是因為他們設為想同的元素,如class="fn org"),那麼hCard表示公司、組織霍地方的資訊應該這樣來處理,在這個例子中作者也Template:不得設定"N"特性,或明確地設成(以及任何的子特性)空字串"",因此剖析器應該處理這個錯誤的"N"特性,在這個例子中可以藉由隱藏所有"N"的子特性的空值來完成。
假如"FN"跟"ORG"不相同(見前一節),而且"FN"特性的值剛好是兩個字(空白字元分隔),沒有明顯的"N"特性,那麼"N"特性可以由"FN"特性來推測,對於任意字的"FN"見下面,三個或以上的,author Template:必須明確標記"N",除了組織機構的聯繫方式例子,詳見前述。
- The content of "FN" is broken into two "words" separated by whitespace.
- The first word of the "FN" is interpreted as the "given-name" for the "N" property.
- The second/last word of the "FN" is interpreted as the "family-name" for the "N" property.
- Exception: If the first word ends in a "," comma, then the first word (minus the comma at the end) is interpreted as the "family-name" and the second word is interpreted as the "given-name".
This allows simplification in the typical case of people stating:
- given-name (space) family-name
- family-name (comma) given-name
Implied "nickname" Optimization
Due to the prevalence of the use of nicknames/handles/usernames in actual content published on the Web (e.g. authors of reviews), hCard also has an implied "nickname" optimization to handle this.
Similar to the implied "n" optimization, if "FN" and "ORG" are not the same, and the value of the "FN" property is exactly one word, and there is no explicit "N" property, then:
- The content of the "FN" MUST be treated as a "nickname" property value.
- Parsers SHOULD handle the missing "N" property by implying empty values for all the "N" sub-properties.
Though parsers MUST follow the implied nickname optimization, publishers SHOULD explicitly indicate the "nickname" even in this case, e.g.:
<span class="vcard">
<span class="fn nickname">daveman692</span>
The hCard MAY have additional explicit "nickname" property values in addition to the implied nickname.
Implied "organization-name" Optimization
The "ORG" property has two subproperties, organization-name and organization-unit. Very often authors only publish the organization-name. Thus if an "ORG" property has no "organization-name" inside it, then its entire contents MUST be treated as the "organization-name".
Tags as Categories
Categories in hCard MAY be represented by tags with rel-tag. When a category property is a rel-tag, the tag (as defined by rel-tag) is used for that category.
type subproperty values
The 'type' subproperty in particular takes different values depending on which property it is a subproperty of. These 'type' subproperty values are case-INSENSITIVE, meaning "Home" is the same as "home", as well as multivalued, e.g. a tel can be home and preferred:
<span class="tel"><span class="type">Home</span> (<span class="type">pref</span>erred):
<span class="value">+1.415.555.1212</span>
This could be displayed as:
Home (preferred): +1.415.555.1212
type with unspecified value
When the type of a property is specified, and there is no explicit value specified, then everything in the property except for the type is considered the value of the property. E.g.
<span class="tel"><span class="type">Home</span> +1.415.555.1212</span>
is equivalent to:
<span class="tel"><span class="type">Home</span><span class="value"> +1.415.555.1212</span></span>
And thus the type is "home" and the value is "+1.415.555.1212".
adr tel email types
The following lists are informative. See RFC2426 sections 3.2.1 ADR, 3.3.1 TEL, and 3.3.2 EMAIL respectively for normative type values. They are repeated here for convenience. Default type subproperty value(s) is(are) first in each list and indicated in ALL CAPS. types may be multivalued.
- adr type: INTL, POSTAL, PARCEL, WORK, dom, home, pref
- tel type: VOICE, home, msg, work, pref, fax, cell, video, pager, bbs, modem, car, isdn, pcs
- email type: INTERNET, x400, pref
The hCard XMDP profile is at http://microformats.org/profile/hcard
Content that uses hCard SHOULD reference this profile, e.g.
<head profile="http://microformats.org/profile/hcard">
<link rel="profile" href="http://microformats.org/profile/hcard">
This content uses <a rel="profile" href="http://microformats.org/profile/hcard">hCard</a>.
Content may combine the above methods as well.
Parsing Details
See hCard parsing.
This section is informative.
Sample vCard
Here is a sample vCard:
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:Çelik;Tantek FN:Tantek Çelik URL:http://tantek.com/ END:VCARD
and an equivalent in hCard with various elements optimized appropriately. See hCard Example 1 for the derivation.
<div class="vcard">
<a class="url fn" href="http://tantek.com/">Tantek Çelik</a>
This hCard might be displayed as:
Note: The version information is unnecessary in hCard markup directly since the version will be defined by the profile of hCard that is used/referred to in the 'profile' attribute of the <head> element.
Live example
Here is Commercenet's contact details, as a live hCard which will be detected, on this page, by microformat parsing tools:
Palo Alto, CA 94301
The mark-up, emboldening omitted for clarity, with the following semantic improvements:
to expand abbreviations- hyperlinking the org name with the url
<div class="vcard">
<a class="fn org url" href="http://www.commerce.net/">CommerceNet</a>
<div class="adr">
<span class="type">Work</span>:
<div class="street-address">169 University Avenue</div>
<span class="locality">Palo Alto</span>,
<abbr class="region" title="California">CA</abbr>
<span class="postal-code">94301</span>
<div class="country-name">USA</div>
<div class="tel">
<span class="type">Work</span> +1-650-289-4040
<div class="tel">
<span class="type">Fax</span> +1-650-289-4041
<span class="email">info@commerce.net</span>
More Examples
See hCard examples for more examples, including all examples from vCard RFC2426 converted into hCard.
Examples in the wild
This section is informative. The number of hCard examples in the wild has expanded far beyond the capacity of being kept inline in this specification. They have been moved to a separate page.
See hCard Examples in the wild.
This section is informative. The number of hCard implementations has also expanded beyond the capacity of keeping them inline. They have been moved to a separate page.
This section is informative. For further reading on hCard see hcard-articles.
You can use these buttons on pages with hCards. See buttons#hCard for any recent additions.
- CSS-powered button, as evidenced at microformat badges @ re-run
Per the public domain release on the authors' user pages (Tantek Çelik, Brian Suda) this specification is released into the public domain.
Public Domain Contribution Requirement. Since the author(s) released this work into the public domain, in order to maintain this work's public domain status, all contributors to this page agree to release their contributions to this page to the public domain as well. Contributors may indicate their agreement by adding the public domain release template to their user page per the Voluntary Public Domain Declarations instructions. Unreleased contributions may be reverted/removed.
This specification is subject to a royalty free patent policy, e.g. per the W3C Patent Policy, and IETF RFC3667 & RFC3668.
Normative References
- XHTML 1.0 SE
- vCard RFC2426
- ITU recommendation E.123 format of telephone numbers (chargeable document)
- RFC 2119
Informative References
This section is informative.
- hCard history
- X.520 in Postscript (HTMLization courtesy of Google Cache) - vCard refers to ROLE as being "based on the X.520 Business Category explanatory attribute".
- HTML reformatted version of RFC2426
- CSS1
- XHTML 1.1
- Wikipedia summary of ITU-T Recommendation E.123 - for "TEL" values.
- Internet Mail Consortium Personal Data Interchange vCard and vCalendar
- ISO8601
Specifications That Use hCard
Similar Work
This section is informative.
Inspiration and Acknowledgments
This section is informative. Thanks to: my good friend Vadim who introduced me to vCard many years ago, and if I'd only paid more attention then, perhaps I could have helped a lot of people avoid wasting a lot of time reinventing various standards wheels.
Notes on derivation from vCard
This section is informative.
More Semantic Equivalents
For some properties there are HTML elements which better match and convey their semantics. The following properties SHOULD be encoded with the following HTML:
in vCard becomes<a class="url" href="...">...</a>
inside the element withclass="vcard"
in hCard.- Similarly,
in vCard becomes<a class="email" href="mailto:...">...</a>
in vCard becomes<img class="photo" src="..." alt="Photo of ..." />
or<object class="photo" data="..." type="...">Photo of ...</object>
in vCard simply becomes another semantic applied to a specific URL (or EMAIL) for an hCard.
Singular and Plural derivations
The lists of singular and plural properties have been derived by analyzing the semantics of the individual properties in vCard RFC2426 and determining logically that they MUST be singular per their semantics. See hcard-singular-properties for explanations.
Plural Properties Singularized
Since plural property names become their singular equivalents, even if the original plural property permitted only a single value with multiple components, those multiple components are represented each with their own singularly named property and the the property is effectively multivalued and subject to the above treatment of multivalued properties.
Related Pages
- hCard
- hCard cheatsheet - hCard properties
- hCard creator (feedback) - create your own hCard.
- hCard authoring - learn how to add hCard markup to your existing contact info.
- hCard examples - example usage of various classes within hCard.
- hCard examples in the wild - an on-going list of websites which use hCards.
- hcard-supporting-user-profiles - sites with user profiles marked up with hCard - a very common example.
- hCard FAQ - if you have any questions about hCard, check here.
- hCard implementations - websites or tools which either generate or parse hCards.
- hCard parsing - normative details of how to parse hCards.
- hCards and pages - semantic distinctions between different hCards on a page, and how to identify each
- hcard-user-interface - techniques and issues surrounding user-interfaces to author, publish, and display hCards.
- hCard profile - the XMDP profile for hCard
- hCard singular properties - an explanation of the list of singular properties in hCard.
- hCard tests - a wiki page with actual embedded hCards to try parsing.
- hCard advocacy - encourage others to use hCard
- hCard "to do" - jobs to do
The hCard specification is a work in progress. As additional aspects are discussed, understood, and written, they will be added. These thoughts, issues, and questions are kept in separate pages.
- hCard brainstorming - brainstorms and other explorations relating to hCard.
- hcard-parsing-brainstorming - brainstorming specific to parsing of hCard
- geo brainstorming
- hCard feedback - general feedback (as opposed to specific issues).
- hCard issues - specific issues with the specification.
- vCard errata - corrections to the vCard specification, which underlies hCard.
- vCard suggestions - suggested improvements to the vCard specification.
Read the hCard specification in additional languages: