<entry-title>h-resume</entry-title> Tantek Çelik (Editor)
h-resume is a simple, open format for publishing resumes and CVs on on the web. h-resume is one of several open microformat draft standards suitable for embedding data in HTML/HTML5.
h-resume is the microformats2 update to hResume.
Per CC0, to the extent possible under law, the editors have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. In addition, as of 2025-03-13, the editors have made this specification available under the Open Web Foundation Agreement Version 1.0.
Here is a simple resume example:
<div class="h-resume">
<span class="p-name">
<a class="p-contact h-card" href="http://example.org">
<img src="http://example.org/photo.png" alt="" />
Joe Bloggs
<p class="p-summary">Joe is a top-notch llama farmer with a degree in <span class="p-skill">Llama husbandry</span> and a thirst to produce the finest wool known to man</p>
Parsed JSON:
"items": [
"type": [
"properties": {
"name": [
"Joe Bloggs resume"
"contact": [
"value": "Joe Bloggs",
"type": [
"properties": {
"name": [
"Joe Bloggs"
"photo": [
"url": [
"summary": [
"Joe is a top-notch llama farmer with a degree in Llama husbandry and a thirst to produce the finest wool known to man"
"skill": [
"Llama husbandry"
Get started
The class h-resume
is a root class name that indicates the presence of an h-resume.
See microformats2-parsing to learn more about property classnames.
h-resume properties, inside an element with class h-resume:
- brief name of the resumep-summary
- overview of qualifications and objectivesp-contact
- current contact info in anh-card
- an educationh-event
event, years, embeddedh-card
of the school, location.Main article: h-eventMain article: h-cardp-experience
- a job or other professional experienceh-event
event, years, embeddedh-card
of the organization, location, job-title.Main article: h-eventMain article: h-cardp-skill
- a skill or ability, optionally including level and/or duration of experiencep-affiliation
- an affiliation with anh-card
All properties are optional.
h-resume is a microformats.org draft specification. Public discussion on h-resume takes place on h-resume-feedback and the #microformats irc channel on irc.freenode.net.
h-resume is ready to use and implemented in the wild, but for backwards compatibility you should also mark h-resumes up with classic hResume classnames.
Property Details
(stub, add any property explanations here)
p-skill has a proposed expansion into competency with explicit summary, rating and/or duration components. Based on existing real world adoption, we should consider an h-skill vocabulary with p-name, p-rating, and dt-duration properties.
Examples in the Wild
- … add any h-resume examples you find in the wild
Test and validate microformats2 markup in general with:
- https://pin13.net/mf2/ - enter your markup directly
- https://pin13.net/ - enter a URL to a page to test where it says "Microformats Parser"
Backward Compatibility
Publisher Compatibility
Parser Compatibility
Microformats parsers SHOULD detect the following root class name and property names. A microformats2 parser may use existing microformats parsers to extract these properties. If an "h-resume" is found, don't look for an "hresume" on the same element.
compat root class name: hresume
properties: (parsed as p- plain text unless otherwise specified)
- including compat rootvcard
in the absence ofh-card
- including compat rootvevent
in the absence ofh-event
- including compat rootvevent
in the absence ofh-event
- including compat rootvcard
in the absence ofh-card
h-resume is based on the existing hResume specification.
See Also
- microformats2
- h-card and h-event are both embedded in h-resume
- The include-pattern is likely to be useful to avoid repeating information in any embedded h-cards
- hResume is the classic microformat replaced by h-resume