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xFolk issues

These are externally raised issues about xFolk with broadly varying degrees of merit. Thus some issues are REJECTED for a number of obvious reasons (but still documented here in case they are re-raised), and others contain longer discussions. Some issues may be ACCEPTED and perhaps cause changes or improved explanations in the spec. Submitted issues may (and probably will) be edited and rewritten for better terseness, clarity, calmness, rationality, and as neutral a point of view as possible. Write your issues well. — Bud


Consider using this format (copy and paste this to the end of the list to add your issues; replace ~~~ with an external link if preferred) to report issues or feedback, so that issues can show up in hAtom subscriptions of this issues page. If open issues lack this markup, please add it.

Please post one issue per entry, to make them easier to manage. Avoid combining multiple issues into single reports, as this can confuse or muddle feedback, and puts a burden of separating the discrete issues onto someone else who 1. may not have the time, and 2. may not understand the issue in the same way as the original reporter.

<div class="hentry">
<span class="entry-summary author vcard">
 <span class="published">2011-MM-DD</span> 
 raised by <span class="fn">~~~</span>
<div class="entry-content discussion issues">
* <strong class="entry-title">«Short title of issue»</strong>. «Description of Issue»
** Follow-up comment #1
** Follow-up comment #2


  • open issue! 2007-01-01 raised by Andy Mabbett
    1. Applying a tag in an xFolk entry also applies it to the linking page. However, certain tags (e.g. "NSFW") may apply to the page linked to, but not to the linking page.

2007-01-03 addressed by Bud Gibson. Well, we had a lot of list discussion on this while creating xFolk. Actually, that was pre-list. The rationale is that the tags apply to the items in the container not the page simply by convention in xFolk. It's a specialization of reltag. The real question I think is what are the scoping rules for reltag. The assumption here is that the reltag tags only apply to the link within xfolkentry.

  • open issue! *Why is this called "xFolk", and not, say, xBookmark(s) or hBookmark(s)? Andy Mabbett 09:16, 19 Nov 2006 (PST)

2007-01-03 addressed by Bud Gibson. Mainly because the purpose of the microformat was originally to allow harvesting into aggregation services for creating "folksonomies".

  • open issue! 2006-06-12 raised by singpolyma
    1. using title attribute for the tagged link <a> element, if it exists, as the entry title -- I use the title attribute for a summary description, since this is more XOXO-compatible. While I lose the ability to have xfolk harvest my descriptions that way, I'm not really worried about that. What I'm more worried about is xfolk using my descriptions as the title...

2007-01-03 addressed by Bud Gibson. I'm in a quandary as to how to address this one. It seems like a basic incompatibility.

  • open issue! 2006-04-20 raised by Ryan Cannon
    1. Issue 1: As xFolk is intended as a list, it seems tedious to have to place class="xfolkentry" on every element. Are there implementation problems with creating a container class with that implies class="xfolkentry" on every child node?.
  • open issue! 2007-04-27 raised by Kevin Marks
    1. I wondered why xfolk uses class="taggedlink" rather than rel="taggedlink" as a rel value seems more semantic for labelling the link.
      • rel="taggedlink" would mean you couldn't mark a link as both "taggedlink" and "nofollow". Social bookmarking services often want to apply rel="nofollow" to their user-generated external links (to avoid being attractive targets for spam). class="taggedlink" combines with rel="nofollow". rel="taggedlink" would be a problem.
        • Why? The rel attribute contains a space-separated list. e.g. rel="taggedlink nofollow next".

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